Goldie Hawn offers wisdom in her book: "Goldie, A Lotus Grows in the Mud"

A person can find “gems” of wisdom anywhere and everywhere. I mostly find the things I share with you in books. Along with the other books I read on a daily basis which includes topics such as gemstones, motivation, inventions, creativity, getting rich, etc. I also read a biography of interesting people. The book “Goldie, A Lotus Grows in the Mud” the author details on the inner front flap: “…Goldie talks about the lessons she’s learned, and the wisdom she feels she’s been given, in the hope of giving something back”. That right there is why I’m prompted to include this book in my recommendations.

I must confess that I’ve “been in love” with Goldie since I first saw her in the seventies on TV as she truly radiates “life and happiness” in every picture and movie I’ve seen of her. She has such a wonderful and very unique countenance that has retained the childlike look of innocence of happiness , that we all appreciate and wish for ourselves. Reading only the first few pages, I learned that her dream for what she wanted to be when she grew up was “happy”.

Well, it definitely is a great book, is well written, reads easily and reads like a screenplay complete with foreshadowing, plot and casted with real characters.

What I wanted to share from this book’s first few pages is on page 36 where Goldie explains what dancing meant and means to her:

“For me, dancing provided a physical euphoria that nothing else would ever touch. Anything after that felt like a cheap trick. To push yourself to the physical and mental limits, to ask yourself to deliver more than you think you possibly can and to come through, is the greatest high there is.”

It’s this paragraph that struck me as something worth sharing with the world, and I’m thinking that if these few pages are any indication, more such gems are forthwith in coming.

Understand that your dream, goal, wish, desire, whatever it is, can be inserted in place of Goldie’s dream of dancing above and if you truly believe it is “you”, then you too can feel the same euphoria. More importantly are the words that follow: “To push yourself to…” Remember that nothing happens unless you put action in your dream plan. No one else will or can do this for you. Little action brings “little” results. Big action brings “BIG” results, and even brings the results faster. It too brings obstacles faster, but they will come anyway, get through them faster! As Goldie says to push yourself , ask of yourself and deliver more than you think you can, and you actually push through to the success you want, this is the greatest “high” there is.

I want you to get “high” on success, yours and others. This country and this world needs people to push toward their goals and achieve them and then teach others to do the same. Don’t rely on other friends, relatives, or the government to help you. You do it. You can. Get “high”!

Best of continued success! Ter Scott!

PS. Goldie’s dream of “being happy” and having children to also be truly happy, is realized every day at: the Hawn Foundation:

Learn to Burn!

Read and learn to burn!

Readers are leaders, and when you read the right books by the right people you become better readers and leaders. Recently I was reading a couple of books and found that both authors used the same two words: BURNING DESIRE! I've linked their websites within the paragraphs below so click on their names, visit their sites, and sign up for anything these leaders offer.
In a book titled: “All You Can Do is All You Can Do” by insurance industry success giant of the eighties, A.L. Williams, I learned again about the power of desire in reaching one’s goals. In the introduction of his book, author Art tells us: “I discovered that you don’t have to have extraordinary abilities to succeed. You can be the most common person in the world and still do something uncommon with you life”. He goes on further to tell us that the only real credentials are willingness to work and a burning desire to “be somebody”.

In Tom Hopkins’ book: “How to Master the Art of Selling” offers so many real life tips that can help anyone in life that it could also be called, “How to Master the Art of Living”, also shares something about the importance of desire. Tom offers 12 qualities that make a champion salesperson; number 7 is desire. He tells us “A quality I can’t measure, but I know it’s always present in Champions, is the burning desire to achieve. Interesting isn’t it, that both authors did not use the word “desire” alone, but also coupled it with the word: “burning”.

Today consider your desires to attain, how strong are they? Do you have the “burn” to make it happen?

Have a Speech Coming Up? Irene B. Leveitt's Book: Brain Writing Helps!

I usually read from 10 to 15 books of several different topics each morning. Currently I'm reading a couple about Graphology to continue my education on the subject.
You may not have known until now, but among the many things I do, I am a graphologist; one who does handwriting analysis. I’m sharing this only because when I find things that will help my readers improve, I do so.
When I was reading this morning from a book titled: Brain Writing*, I found an excerpt by the writer that I thought I should pass along. The writer explains a technique that she uses just before making a speech that helps her to concentrate. One such exercise I’ve known about is to make connected figure eights over and over. Her techniques are new to me. From a graphologist’s perspective, they make sense. Here are her words:

If you do not normally write small, learning to write in a more concentrated way can be a help before speaking or doing anything that is important to you. If you are making an important presentation, taking the time to write, even for only five minutes, can help you become more centered and keep you mind on track. The writing should be done as fast as is comfortable, without trying to make it look too perfect.

I am a medium-size writer. Whenever I need to make an important speech or presentation, I try to take the time to sit down, preferably about a half hour before I must make the presentation, and write smaller than I usually do. The smaller writing helps me to focus completely upon the work at hand and usually intensifies my ability to keep my wits as sharp as possible to handle the important task of that hour.

Another such exercise I’ve known about for some time is to make connected figure eights over and over. You may want to try that as well which will help you to relax. Use it before presenting a speech, an interview, or before you have to confront someone about something; it works.

*If you want to learn more about your handwriting, visit:

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Ter Scott promotes HARVEY WALDEN'S No Excuses Book

From time to time, I like to share a few “bullets” of wisdom that will hopefully make you “stronger” not only as a speaker but as a person as well. Remember that when I’m (figuratively) pointing a finger at you, I’m pointing the others right back at me; we all need this stuff to move on!

I read from a group of books at the same time, a kind of multitasking for the mind. One of the books I’m reading now is called NO EXCUSES! Fitness Workout, written by Harvey Walden and I must say this guy is the real deal. He’s a marine and is seen on VH1’s Celebrity Fit Club.

I’ve only read a few pages but this guy gets right in your face from the pages of this book. I’m sharing with you just a few paragraphs from page 4:

In martial arts you learn that if someone pushes you down you’ve got to know how to roll, how to fall, and how to absorb the blow. You’ve got to give in so that you can come back up and kick some a--.

That’s a good lesson for life too.

So the trick is to find your chi: Relax, breath easy, believe you can do it.

Roll with the punches- and then come back up.

And you already know: The good things in life don’t come easy. When you put in the hard work and make sacrifices, and believe me, if you bust you butt you appreciate what you’ve achieved later. Don’t think its’ always going to be read roses. H---, if it was easy, you’d be a waste of sperm.

Strong stuff, right?

Let’s be strong. Sure you’ll have obstacles, you’ll have times you don’t want to do something, times you’ll settle for less, find ways not to do something instead of finding alternatives to make it happen.

Get Paid to Read Ter Scott’s NEW KINDLE BOOK: Personal PR, Getting What You Want through Better Personal Relations!

Yep, you read this right. I will pay you to read this short book on human relations. The great part is that by reading this book, it will pay you, as many books will, many times over as you use the simple straight forward techniques.

Getting paid to read my PERSONAL PR kindle book, is part of a marketing campaign I’m currently doing. To get all the details, visit: . It’s right on the first page of my site in the blue box. You will also see a place to click to hear an abbreviated version of when I presented it to Toastmasters International some time back; it’s a 5 -7 minute presentation I customize and use when I speak at meetings and conventions. The book is based on this award winning speech.

So, visit right now while the marketing campaign is running and tell your friends too.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott!

Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant