Real Estate Investing Classes, Free Video



We are starting a group in many areas of the USA; partnering with a national real estate group that has access to buyers… providing proof of funds, inspection funds, appraisal funds, closing funds… 
(I personally) just started taking classes and in 8 to 12 weeks I will be officially controlling properties… VERY EXCITING! 

If you know anyone that would like to do the same they have spots open for some new candidates. Call Eight eighty eight. 24 one, 4 zero thirtyone and I will register you for a (15 MINUTE) business briefing. 

National Real Estate Group teaches Real Estate Investing in Your Local Area (50 States)
Real Estate group teaching investing

Bob Proctor's "You Were Born Rich" book is FREE for a very limited time...

Readers are leaders, but you must read "good" stuff. Bob Proctor is "good stuff" and he has helped countless people to become "good stuff". Anyway, I have some exciting news. When I saw this and was invited myself to get this, I did it immediately. It was the real "no brainer" because I didn't have to think at all; I just did it.

I don't know how long he'll offer this but right now he's giving his book away absolutely FREE. Wow, thanks Bob. And I'm sharing it with my readers. I apologize in advance if you are reading this and the offer is no longer available. If that is the case, please go to Amazon and purchase it; it truly is worth many times the price of the book!

I have no idea how long my friend and mentor Bob Proctor will offer this. His materials and talks have helped thousands of people to change their lives for the better, make more money and more of everything that makes one better. THIS BOOK IS FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME. CLICK HERE NOW.

By the way, I’m not getting a penny to tell you about this; I’m paying it forward because this book has helped me. Again, my apologies if the book is no longer free. Bob has many things listed for sale at Amazon. 

How to price your Kindle (or similar) for greater sales.


If your book is priced at $2.99 your reader’s return on investment had better be $29.99, $299.99, $2,999.00 or more! Do you think that I’m kidding? I’m not. When you price your book, are you thinking about yourself and thatif you sold 100 at $2.99 that you’ll make $299.00 (minus a bit for overhead, costs, etc.)? If so, please do yourself and everyone else a favor. Get out of the business and do something else, because no one wants to accidently buy your book because it had a nice cover or a high ranking on Amazon (because you had a bunch of friends write a glowing review) but it is nothing but a waste of digital space, paper and the reader’s time.

Go into every product that you publish with the attitude that you are going to give more value and then give more value. Then when you think you are done, give more. I don’t know if you remember who I call the “Father of Motivational Selling” Mr. Zig Ziglar, who is no longer with us on this side of eternity, but one of the profound things he did was that he gave over 1000 free speeches before he was ever paid for a speech. Can you imagine giving away 1000 Kindle books for instance before ever selling one? Now I’m not suggesting that you do this but if you did, would you be a better writer? Would you become the expert in your field? Would doing everything that it takes to publish 1000 books bring your rewards in other ways? I think the answer would be a resounding “yes”!

What’s the difference if you spent 5 hours on creating a book and it didn’t sell? Oh, sure you’ll be able to say you have a book published and your friends might pat you on the back. But can you eat this? Can this take you to the exotic vacation place that you want? Can this replace your job? Can it do any of this? You might even think that you spent a whopping 5 hours creating something, published it and since no one bought it (or the few that did were so turned off by the lack of good content, and value that they will never buy anything else you’ll have for sale in the future) that you think, “Oh, this doesn’t work” or “I’ll never be successful at this” and you quit! If you are still reading, please know that I was NOT serious about you “getting out of the business and doing something else” when I stated that earlier. But I do want you to think about doing more, giving more to be more!

The alternative is that instead of spending 5 hours creating a book that no one will be helped with, invest 10 hours and do it right. (the 5 or 10 hours is subjective; you can certainly create a fine product in 5 hours). However many hours you invest, have the reader in mind. Take the time to research and offer really great content that will help the reader. And have it edited by someone so it reads well. Then have several people read it and offer changes and suggestions. You don’t have to have 1000 friends do this as you’ll remember Zig did the 1000 speeches, but take the time to do this and when you find good suggestions, act on them and disregard the rest. Now when you publish your book you’ll actually make sales and more importantly, this product will create future sales, because your readers know that you put out a great product. Later you’ll be able to increase your prices, everything just gets better!

So you can choose to take 5 hours and publish crap, get a few sales, and then ruin your reputation.
Or take 5 or 10 hours, take your time and do things right by having the customer in mind. Then you’ll sell, over and over again. Remember, you only need to create a good product once and it is done, but it sells, and sells, and sells over and over again! Without considering the costs to publish your product (note that I keep saying “product” because this philosophy works with anything you create and sell) and let’s say you invested (note here I say that you invested instead of spent; words have meaning) 10 hours to create a product you sell for $2.99 and you sell one product, you’ve made $2.99 which equates to making .299 (almost a whopping 30 cents) per hour. OK, I’m staying with this profitable business for sure. I can quit my job! Stay with me for a moment, funny man.

When you create a product that actually sells because remember we are not creating C.R.A.P. (which is an acronym for crap) and presenting something of value and not trying to fool the public, and hope it will sell, do you think that you could have 10 buyers? That would be $29.99 and $2.99 per hour, which to any entrepreneur would be enough of a “test” to say, “Hmmm, we might be on to something here” but at $2.99 an hour, you’ll still need your hamburger flipping job. But remember, you’ve already put in the work. It’s done; whatever sells is gravy! When you do the math and if you sell 100 books, you’ve now made $299 and $29.99 per hour. Oh yeah, you like that. But remember, you’ve created a product that is very good, people like it, they tell others and it’s even an “evergreen” product so it’s good not just today but 10 years from now, so it sells and sells and sells. Let’s say you sell 100 products a month at only $2.99. That’s $29.99 per hour per each month, but in 12 months you’ve sold 1200 products. At $2.99 each that’s $2,990. So for each hour you put into your product creation, you’ve earned in your first year, $299 for each hour. That’s why I say that you’ve invested your time; not spent it.

I hope that you’ve seen the big picture here. We don’t need any more bad content “out there”. Don’t think of yourself so much as you think about your reader and how you can help him or her. Remember that the value of your product price should give the purchaser of your product 10 to 100 times the purchasing price.

That’s it for today. If you like this information, tell others and leave your comments. Also if you don’t want to miss future articles, be sure to “follow by email” which is somewhere on this page.

Make it a great day!

Terrific. Energizing. Results!
Now that you know that I put a ton of value in my products, here is one of my newest Kindle books. If you are "into" success and affirmations, I really think you'll like it. At any rate, I invite you to click on the picture here, go to the site and click on the image of the book so you can read the first chapter free as my gift to you! Then in return, I'd appreciate you taking a moment to do a quick review of the book. Thanks in advance! Here's the book image to click:

For whatever reason, sometimes Amazon links do not appear from time to time. If you do not see an image of the book, simply go to, do a search for Ter Scott VRM and you should see it.

Everyone reads, everyone needs to save on healthcare!

Ter Scott will critique your Amazon Kindle Book at no Charge.

I am asked to critique books for authors and I’m glad to do so but sometimes it’s very painful. Many times it’s the grammar, sometimes the content, and other times it’s the fluff.

If you’ve asked people to go to Amazon Kindle for instance, read your book and then leave a review and they don’t do it, they may be doing you a favor! Personally if I do not have anything good to say or if my rating would be below 4 stars, I do not leave a review but I will contact the author by email and direct them to specific numbered bullet points that are appropriate to things they need (in my humble opinion) to do. Because I get many of the same questions over time, I have found that this is a time saver for me so I don’t have to keep typing my fingers away saying the same thing to different authors.

I will point out here that there is a formula or a percentage that states that there is only 3 to 1% of any population of anything (in this case) authors who make any real money or have success. It’s because they don’t put the time in to create quality stuff that people are willing to purchase. Going to my blog and first looking at these bullet points is not the “end all” and I’m not going to tell anyone that I’m the world’s expert but I am sharing this information at no cost and it sure would not “hurt” to look at it, right? But using the percentages above, 97 to 99% of the authors who want me to review and critique their book never go there to read them, then less than that go away making any suggested changes. They’ve uploaded their book and “what it is, is what it is, and I’m not going to bother. I will just hope that people buy it” is their thinking. Well here’s the news folks and it has been around since Lincoln: “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but if you publish crap on Kindle (or similar sites) people may buy your book, but they will never buy anything else from you again; ever! Do you want to risk that? Kindle actually “polices” their published works and will contact you telling you that your work is “common” and can be found anywhere and they may hint that it is “crap” but not come right out and tell you.

And pricing… really? You want how much for that? It’s like a real estate investor asking a home owner where you got the price to list their house. Where did you get your price? If you said “out of your mind”, I say that you must be! Let’s say that you are charging $2.99 for less than 29 pages. You better be telling me how to make a ton more than my $2.99 investment or you’ve wasted my 15 minutes. And, will I ever purchase a book listed with you as the author again, unlikely. Think about it. Unless you are part of the 40% that is feeding from the government trough, are independently wealthy or making 10K a month selling books or something else, $2.99 is $2.99. If you earn $10 per hour, you worked over 15 minutes to earn that $2.99; don’t have your readers wishing they had gone to McDonalds.

Let’s talk a bit about grammar, content and fluff in my next post. If you are missing these informative posts you might consider registering to “follow by email”. It’s probably costing you readers and customers if you are not.

Make it a great day!

Terrific. Energizing. Results! 

It's here! Ter Scott's Visualize, Realize, Materialize (VRM)! 

Please click on the picture and go to Amazon Kindle, click on "Look Inside" 
and read a few chapters FREE. Then leave a review! 

We think you'll like it. If you do, buy it, use it and tell others! 

Visualize, Realize, Materialize (VRM) is new book by Ter Scott

It's here! Ter Scott's Visualize, Realize, Materialize (VRM)!

Please click on the picture and go to Amazon Kindle, click on "Look Inside" 
and read a few chapters FREE. Then leave a review! 

We think you'll like it. If you do, buy it, use it and tell others! 

Help Review: Linda Compton's book: Profile of an Entreprenuer

I'm part of a group of authors who create Kindle books. From time to time I may use this blog to give you details about a new Kindle book that I think would be helpful to my blog readers.

Here I've offered a few ideas to this author about her cover (will will also go to Amazon Kindle and open the cover and offer a review too) but for now this is what I shared:
If you would like to go to Amazon Kindle and review it I'm sure she would appreciate it. To do so CLICK on COVER PIC above. Here are my thoughts to her:

Hello. I was on the QandA when they were discussing this. I will go to Amazon and open your book and critique the content but for now, about the cover: I'm a graphic designer (taught graphic design) and I'm also a graphologist which has to do with writing and how writing should look (and translated as type fonts) so...I was the one who mentioned that you silouette is looking into the past, entreprenuers are probably looking to a positive future, so my suggestion is to reverse it. If you are talking about "igniting" I would have flames coming up from the bottom of the book... just a few thoughts for you. 

NOW I'VE LOOKED AT YOUR CONTENT. Here are my thoughts on that:
I glanced through the TOC and also skimmed the content shown. I like the other authors such as Bob Proctor and Napoleon Hill, etc. I'd like to see you add some credibility to your content; who are you and why are you an "expert" to offer this material. It doesn't have to be so "great" just tell about yourself, your trials and victories that make you the "expert".

Would you consider critiquing one of my books? I wrote this screenplay and did a radio show but would like a playhouse to purchase these books and perform a play of this and ultimately have a company such as Hallmark Channel create a movie of it. So, please review it and if you know someone in the "business", let me know!

NOTE: Would you like me to critique you book? Let me know. Also,  be sure to "follow this blog by email".