How to Stop or Change a Bad Habit Permanently

(Please scroll down to bottom of this article for information about the GIVE UP webinar) 

I'm very excited to share with you that our authors been very busy writing and now we have 22 new titles about the most popular topics that people are always requesting information about, now available.

We will release one per week on this site (so I don't have to tell you that if you are not yet "following by email" by registering somewhere on this page, that you will be missing out; but there, I just did).

There first is How to Banish Bad Habits and it just happens to relate well with the 15 week online coaching that I'm doing FREE which is also starting today.

I'll need your name and email to get you the link to download the book. Also if you want to try to get into today's "GIVE UP" webinar click here or on the picture. (No worries if the class if full as we will offer replays for awhile).

Here's the book and the request form:

(Please wait for the form to open).

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Are you getting what you want from life? Does it seem like you are “stuck” in any of the Major 8? ( I’ve found that GIVING UP things in our lives can have a great impact on getting more from life. GIVE UP the Need to be Right is #1 of a 15 part series where we’ll discuss the topic and how it relates to each of us and I’ll include an optional “assignment” to implement the principles covered into your life’s routine immediately.

Has anyone read "You Were Born Rich"?

Have you ever read a book that really changed your life? I’m sure you have. If not, start right now. Bob is giving away his book!

Get Bob Proctor’s book free here.

Image result for bob proctor free ebookI don't get anything from passing this link on to you; except that what I may receive from the Universe by doing “good”. 

My only hope is that when you get the book that you'll read it, underline and highlight things and put the principles into action! 


Make it a great day! 

Ter Scott! 

Before and after the Law of Attraction

My message today is for the reader who is interested in topics such as the Law of Attraction and Manifesting. Those happen to be topics which I work with as the Life and Legacy Coach and my blog that I co-author with the Cosmos, "Answers from the Cosmos".

If you are the person interested in such things, I have a deal for you! (Sorry, I couldn't help that, but really it is worth reading about).

This guy's stuff was changing people's lives and manifesting 
so much good for the world before the movie, 
The Secret was created. 

How would you like to learn about manifesting from a renowned expert, Dr. Robert Anthony? If so, I will also share how you can share his program and make a few bucks too (that is if you really believe in his course and sincerely want to help others). First, I want to tell you what a "giver" Anthony is; you "do the math".

Dr. Robert Anthony and I want you to have these 7 books (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PICS)
at no cost:

Bonus Gift #1: “Beyond Positive Thinking” ($19.95 Value)
Bonus Gift #2: “Betting on Yourself” ($19.95 Value)
Bonus Gift #3: “The Ultimate Secrets Of Total Self Confidence” ($12.95 Value)
Bonus Gift #4: “Magic Power of Super Persuasion” ($9.95 Value)
Bonus Gift #5: “Doing What You Love, Loving What You Do” $19.95 Value)
Bonus Gift #6: “How to Make the Impossible Possible” $19.95 Value)Bonus Gift #7: “50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life!” ($19.95 Value)
According to my quick math (without a calculator) that comes to about $123.00 in free stuff! So what do you need to do to get all of this? ANSWER: Get his course; if his web page is still up yet. When you CLICK HERE and the page is still available, you'll get 45% off the regular price and plus, Dr. Robert Anthony will also include the following amazing software: 
“The Intention Activator” Software (A $49.95 Value)
[Available for Microsoft Windows only]

The Intention Activator is designed to keep your ATTENTION on your INTENTION. This is done by installing a small scrolling marquee on the very top of your computer “Desktop”.

It continuously displays your "intention statements" on your Desktop, leaving your other applications undisturbed. It runs along the top of your screen, causing you to automatically and effortlessly focus on them.

Anytime your Desktop is displayed, the scrolling marquee reminds you of your intention. It increases your motivation and desire to make it happen. When using another program you can shut it off, or just leave it running in the background.
This revolutionary tool is the perfect companion to The Secret of Deliberate Creation and lets you effortlessly break bad habits, permanently destroy limiting beliefs, and attract exactly what you want.

I almost forgot... if you believe in the program as I do and want to share it you can be an afilliate. CLICK HERE and scroll to the very bottom of the page and click on the line that reads: "Want to become an Affiliate? Click Here to Sign Up Now"

I wish you continued success in all you do. When you decide to take the doctor up on his offer and you use the material, please return here and leave your comments.

Ter Scott!
Life & Legacy Coach